
Gruppi Biblici Universitari (GBU)

Gruppi Biblici Universitari, or GBU, is the Christian student movement in Italy. You can learn more about GBU Italy and how to pray for them at

The vision of Gruppi Biblici Universitari (GBU) is “sharing Jesus student to student.” They minister through 18 groups around Italy, the largest of which is in Rome. Find out what is happening at your host university in Italy…

GBU Florence


Meets at la facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Via Laura
Contact Andrea or Lidia


Meets at la facoltà di Ingegneria, Viale Morgagni
Contact Andrew 


Meets at facoltà di economia, al bar sotto la biblioteca
Contact Becky 

Inter-College Meeting

Occasional Sunday evenings Meets at Calamandrei residence, Viale Morgagni

General GBU Florence Information

GBU Florence website | email | Facebook group 

GBU Rome

La Sapienza

Facebook group 

Roma Tre

Facebook group 

General GBU Rome Information

GBU Rome email 

Other Locations in Italy

For information about GBU in other parts of Italy, visit the GBU Italy website.

GBU Italy website | email | Facebook group

This information was last updated June 2015. The IFES movement’s own website may have more recently updated information.